domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

XL. Death In June & Les Joyaux De La Pricesse | Östenbräun

©Les Joyaux De La Princesse. France, 1989.

When i first heard this album i was incredibly suprised. Alot of death in junes music has a heavy folk element to it, which has slightly detered me quoting them as one of my favourite bands, albums such as "Nada" (my favourite album of theirs) and the debut "The guilty have no past" are pretty good examples of early/mid eighties joy division styled new wave, yet this rather mysterious offering sees them coupled with the french collective "Les joyeaux...." and is actually a damm good example of ambient, nostalgic music. The old trade marks are very evident; germany, soldiers, war songs etc and of course not forgetting nazism and hitler, the album glides along with a freefalling, looped kind of feel, heavy echos and militant muted drum beats with the occasional offering of poetry and text. When the album closes, i always find myself wanting more. A very fine, nostalgic stab at ambience.‟



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