sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

CLVI. Psychic TV | Pagan Day

Pagan Day
©Cleopatra. US, 1994.

This recording was first ever released as catalogue number TOPY 003 on thee 23rd december 1984 as a Picture Disc limited edition ov 999 copies. One side was a full colour photograph ov Caresse P-Orridge as a baby, thee other side had text in red on white. It was only available to shops and distributors between 11am and 12am on that actual day! Rough Trade co-ordinated this through their telex lines for us. All thee music was recorded on a 4 track cassette machine under thee guidance of Alex Fergusson, thee original co-founder and partner, with Genesis P-Orridge, ov Psychic TV. "Pagan Day" was subtitled "Pages From A Notebook" because that is precisely what it was. Thee revealing ov thee process itself. Most PTV songs in their earliest era began life as these kinds ov cassette sketches often recorded in Alex's room at thee YMCA over coffee. "Pagan Day" is not therefore a "finished" recording in thee commonly accepted sense, it is an intimate glimpse into a place where "Source Are Rare". However, thee simplicity and privacy of it's evolution onto a record makes it appealing in quite a special way. Some songs were never intended to be heard outside our own living rooms but to conceal thee frailties would we felt, compromise thee integrity and honesty ov this chronicle. Due to popular interest, and extremely high "collector" prices being paid for thee original Picture Disc, "Pagan Day" was re-issued on normal vinyl, in a card sleeve as part ov Temple Records Library Series as a matter ov completeness, and as a matter ov fact.


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